21:13 Fair Grounds (USA)
Maiden Special Weight
- 9 Runners
- Distance: 1m 110y
- Surface: Turf
- US$38,000 added
- Winner: US$23,939
- 2nd: US$7,600
- 3rd: US$3,799
- 4th: US$2,660
In depth
Trust In Diane (USA) 12-1 (8-8) 2-3w trns,4w into lane, 3rd of 10, 2 1/4l behind Superduper Sky (8-8) at Fair Grounds 1m mdn gd in Jan.
Heart Rush (USA) 13-2 (8-6) 4path 1/4, mild gain, 4th of 11, 6 1/2l behind Star's Bella Vita (8-9) at Churchill Downs 1m mdn gd in Nov.
Giada Vegas (USA) 13-2 (8-6) Broke out st, 3pth 1/4, 5th of 12, 5l behind Pay The Kitten (8-6) at Churchill Downs 1m 1f mdn gd in Nov.
Tiyo (USA) 19-2 (8-5) 3w in aim, wknd late, 4th of 8, shd behind Miss Aja Brown (8-5) at Belmont Park 1m mdn gd in May.
Qualkris (USA) 19-5 (8-8) Quick pace ins,tired, 5th of 7, 20 1/4l behind Set For Six (8-8) at Timonium 1m mdn fst in Sep.
Extra Point (USA) 9-2 (8-8) 2-3w turns,outfinished, 2nd of 10, 2l behind Superduper Sky (8-8) at Fair Grounds 1m mdn gd in Jan.
Crafty's Way (USA) 45-1 (8-6) Bid 4wd str, flattened, 2nd of 12, 2 1/2l behind Pay The Kitten (8-6) at Churchill Downs 1m 1f mdn gd in Nov.
O'sugar Bear (USA) 12-1 (8-3) 2p1st,3-4w2nd,5w3/16, 4th of 7, 2 1/2l behind Picasso Moon (8-8) at Fair Grounds 1m mdn fm in Jan.
Fiscal Discipline (USA) 7-2 (8-11) Off 2 lengths slw,4w, 4th of 13, 3 1/4l behind Lemon Squeeze (8-11) at Fair Grounds 5f mdn gd in Jan.