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FIFA in crisis, says presidential candidate Dr Chung Mong-Joon

FIFA President Joseph S. Blatter and UEFA President Michel Platini
Image: Dr Chung says he is saddened by revelations surrounding Blatter and Platini

FIFA faces "an unprecedented crisis", according to prospective presidential candidate Dr Chung Mong-Joon, who says he tried to stamp out what he described as corrupt practices during his time as an Exco member.

Dr Chung said the Swiss attorney general's announcement that criminal proceedings have been opened against Sepp Blatter, and the furore over a £1.3m payment made to UEFA president Michel Platini, marked "another sad day for FIFA".

Secretary general Jerome Valcke has also been suspended, while on Monday, Platini and Blatter both issued statements denying any wrongdoing.

Former FIFA vice-president Dr Chung wants an emergency taskforce brought in as soon as possible to run FIFA on a day-to-day basis until the presidential election in February.

"FIFA is currently facing an unprecedented crisis," Dr Chung said.

"The 2018 World Cup qualifying matches continue to be held. Many football development programs continue to be implemented. However, FIFA - that should be overseeing all this - is in a total meltdown.

"Under such circumstances, FIFA and regional confederations should consider convening extraordinary sessions of their respective executive committee as well as Congress to set up an emergency task force that will enable the FIFA Secretariat to function without interruption."

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Chung Mong-Joon plans to run for the FIFA presidency.
Image: Dr Chung wants emergency taskforce brought in to run FIFA

Dr Chung added: "During my tenure as a FIFA Exco member, I worked ceaselessly to confront and to correct what I thought were opaque and illegal ways in which Mr Blatter and his predecessor, Mr [Joao] Havelange, ran FIFA. I am sad to say that, at the time, I did not have the power to stop such corrupt practices that have now come back to haunt and destroy FIFA.

"If all those who love football can bring their collective wisdom to bear on reforming FIFA, it will be possible to save and revitalise it.

"The most urgent task at hand is to root out corruption from within FIFA."

Meanwhile, Brazilian great Zico - who has spoken of his desire to replace Blatter next year - has written an open letter to the FIFA Ethics Committee urging them to press on with their investigation into Blatter and Platini's actions, ahead of next year's presidential election.

"FIFA Ethics Committee, without any boost from State authorities, has already taken measures towards other FIFA Executive Committee Members such as Jack Warner e Mohammed Bin Hammam," Zico wrote.

"FIFA Ethics Committee can not (sic) omit now!

"It must act with great transparency, disclosing all its procedures so that reforms and FIFA elections are not contaminated by suspicions of corruption."

Image: Zico warns next year's election could be overshadowed by recent events

Platini wrote to all 54 UEFA nations on Monday explaining why he had been paid £1.3m by FIFA but German FA president Wolfgang Niersbach said on Tuesday that the Frenchman must provide more information.

"Platini still has some questions to answer," he said. "It must be in the best interests of Platini to give the answers as soon as possible."

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