1:43 Penn National (USA)
- 5 Runners
- Distance: 1m 70y
- Surface: Dirt
- US$11,400 added
- Winner: US$7,182
- 2nd: US$2,280
- 3rd: US$1,141
- 4th: US$798
In depth
Let The Saints (USA) 9-2 (8-11) 2wd btwn, too late, 3rd of 8, 4 3/4l behind Atmosphere (8-9) at Penn National 1m fst in Mar.
Sterling Thunder (USA) 50-1 (8-9) Stopped inside, 5th of 8, 16 1/2l behind Pohda Pohda (8-9) at Penn National 1m fst in Mar.
Venetian Cat (USA) 17-2 (8-6) Reluctant load, 3-4wd, 5th of 9, 14 1/4l behind Riley Coyote (8-8) at Charles Town 6f fst in Mar.
Kitstrickortreat (USA) 13-1 (8-9) Stopped inside, 7th of 8, 23 1/2l behind Atmosphere (8-9) at Penn National 1m fst in Mar.
Dancinwithdunkirk (USA) 4-5fav (8-11) 5w, driving, won at Penn National 1m mdn fst in Mar beating Ucantmakeitup (8-11) by 1 1/4l, 8 ran.
Sky Colors (USA) 15-1 (8-9) Through early, 5th of 6, 13 1/4l behind Win Quietly (8-9) at Philadelphia Park 1m fst in Mar.
Doctor Action (USA) 13-1 (8-11) Rated, bid 2w,gave way, 3rd of 7, 1l behind Sunny Mills (8-9) at Penn National 1m fst in Mar.