13:02 Pau (FR)
P. De Watrigant Stakes
- 8 Runners
- Distance: 7f 100y
- Going: Soft
- Surface: Fibresand
- €24,000 added
- Winner: €12,000
- 2nd: €4,560
- 3rd: €3,360
- 4th: €1,920
In depth
Rocquemont (FR) (8-13) 4th of 6, 3 1/4l behind Likala (8-10) at Toulouse 1m stks pol in Sep.
Quindio (FR) (9-2) 2nd of 10, 1 1/4l behind Blanche Doree (8-12) at Deauville 7f stks in Jan.
Grey D'Ars (FR) (9-4) 3rd of 10, 3 1/2l behind Dr Rio (9-1) at Pornichet 1m stks pol in Nov.
Spahi Yes (FR) (9-2) won at Pau 7f mdn stks gs in Jan beating Silvered Angel (9-2) by 2 1/2l, 13 ran.
Karaktair (FR) (8-11) won at Toulouse 1m hvy in Nov beating Cheeky Traou Land (9-7) by hd, 15 ran.
Devil's Boy (FR) (8-10) 5th of 9, 2 1/4l behind Isalys (8-12) at Deauville 7f stks pol in Dec.
Punch Line (9-1) won at Pau 7f stks pol in Jan beating Granacci (8-11) by 1/2l, 8 ran.
Vingtaine (FR) (8-10) 4th of 8, 3 3/4l behind The Big Smoke (9-2) at Pornichet 1m stks pol in Dec.
Lyndari (FR) (8-13) 4th of 10, 4 3/4l behind Blanche Doree (8-12) at Deauville 7f stks in Jan.