11:05 Nantes (FR)
Prix Crebillon - Attele
- 13 Runners
- Distance: 1m 6f 200y
- Going: Good
- Surface: Turf
- €18,000 added
- Winner: €11,340
- 2nd: €3,600
- 3rd: €1,800
- 4th: €1,260
In depth
Havane Orange (FR) (0-0) 5th of 12, shd behind Hysope Du Bocage (0-0) at Pornichet 1m 6f pol in Feb.
Helma Du Courtils (FR) Ludo De Castelle filly out of Belle Du Courtille.
Hecate Du Dollar (FR) (0-0) Unplaced of 12, 0.0000 behind Hysope Du Bocage (0-0) at Pornichet 1m 6f pol in Feb.
Hermine Dairpet (FR) (0-0) 7th of 12, shd behind Hysope Du Bocage (0-0) at Pornichet 1m 6f pol in Feb.
Hanouchka (FR) (0-0) Unplaced of 14, 0.0000 behind Heulande Montaval (0-0) at Vichy 1m 3f pol in May.
History De Belfond (FR) (0-0) Unplaced of 14, 0.0000 behind Hikatika (0-0) at Amiens 1m 4f pol in Dec.
Hallata (FR) (0-0) Unplaced of 12, 0.0000 behind Hendama (0-0) at Laval 1m 6f pol in Feb.
Hosanna Blue (FR) (0-0) 4th of 12, shd behind Hendama (0-0) at Laval 1m 6f pol in Feb.
Hors Saison (FR) (0-0) Unplaced of 14, 0.0000 behind Hermione Mika (0-0) at Vincennes 1m 2f pol in Jan.
Harmonie Jo (FR) (0-0) 11th of 15, shd behind Harmonie Baroque (0-0) at Enghien 1m 6f pol in Oct.
Hyper Sexy (FR) (0-0) 14th of 15, shd behind Harmonie Baroque (0-0) at Enghien 1m 6f pol in Oct.
Havarolika (FR) Unplaced of 12, 0.0000 behind Hultima at Graignes 1m 5f pol in Nov.
Hot Mama (FR) (9-2) won at Caen 1m 4f pol in Sep beating Hera Du Bois Morin (9-2) by shd, 16 ran.