Tracey Neville and Ama Agbeze answer key questions about the Netball Quad Series

By Richard Damerell

Image: Ama Agbeze will captain England in the four-team tournament

Ahead of the Quad Series, we asked England head coach Tracey Neville and captain Ama Agbeze to answer key questions about the tournament.

England will test themselves against world champions Australia, New Zealand and South Africa during the competition which starts this Saturday, live on Sky Sports.

We asked Neville and Agbeze to reveal their hopes and ambitions before the opening match with New Zealand.

Image: Tracey Neville is preparing her team for Saturday's match with New Zealand

Is the Quad Series a good chance to gauge England's development?

Tracey Neville: We're at the start of a four-year cycle. We've injected some young players into our squad. There is a massive difference between some of our experienced players. One of our players is going to be the most capped player should she play all these three Test matches, whereas we also have someone who has never been capped for England. 

It's just about trying to bridge that gap, give everyone as much experience as we can, and set out markers against the No 1 and No 2 in the world. 

It's always good to measure yourself against the best, because we want to beat the best.
Ama Agbeze

Ama Agbeze:  I think where we are in the UK, we're a little bit isolated from the other countries who are in the top five. The Quad series is a great opportunity to compete against some of those countries and it will be good to get some inexperienced players on the court as well.

It's always good to measure yourself against the best, because we want to beat the best. There is no point playing countries who we are comfortable playing against. This is what we need to get the position which we want, which is No 1.

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How influential are the experienced players in England's squad?

Tracey Neville: I think we've got some relatively experienced players. Obviously our captain Ama Agbeze, Serena Guthrie, Jade Clarke, Jo Harten, and Stacey Francis, who have had experience out here.

We're depending on them to bring the rest of the group with them. We say about world class players and I do think we do have some world class players in our team.

Image: Stacey Francis is an experienced member of England's squad

Ama Agbeze: Every experience you gain, whether it's international or domestic level, is going to help you.

Stacey Francis has had a stint out here, I've had a number of years out here as well. All those things you learn from, and you can give little tips to the girls about specific people.  

Can England's debutants hold their own at the highest level?

Tracey Neville: We've had a couple of training games yesterday and today against New Zealand A. This is a great developing experience with them. The learning and the improvements they have made in the games is one step nearer to that four-year goal, so hopefully they can build on that. 

Now they've got to take that next step up and they realise that. They are trying to improve on what they have learned from this New Zealand style of play. 

Image: Summer Artman is pushing for a full England debut

Ama Agbeze: Yes, I think they can. They have been training with us and we've been trying to help them too. You can train your heart out, but until you get onto the court and feel the pressure and intensity, nothing can substitute for that.

If we can support them, they should be able to get out on the court and do what they do best.  

Are Australia the rightful favourites to win the tournament?

Tracey Neville: Everyone is here to win the Quad Series and get the kudos that comes from that. We do respect that Australia are the world No 1, but everyone is there to be beaten. 

I'm sure that no team in this competition will be going out there and not putting out their best performance.

We do respect that Australia are the world No 1, but everyone is there to be beaten.
Tracey Neville

Ama Agbeze: I guess going in, Australia are No 1 ranked and they won the World Cup last year. Yes they will be the favourites, but we are trying to push ourselves up, we want to be world No 1. It's just stepping stones to getting there.

We hopefully will beat them, but if not, we want to be contesting the game the whole way through. 

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What is a suitable target for England?  

Tracey Neville: The governing body has expectations for the tournament and that is to come third. But as I've just said to you, we need to know where we are in respect to New Zealand and Australia. Every game, we will be going strong to set our markers going into the Commonwealth Games and into the World Cup 2019.

We've got a lot of bridges to build and I think this is a chance to see if we can actually beat them now, and how we can build on that going forward.

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Ama Agbeze: Every game I play, I want to win. There is no doubt about that. I think the other girls in the squad think the same.

Every time we go out on court, we try to win. That's the be-all and end-all. We might fall short of that, but you should go into every game thinking that you're going to win.   

Sky Sports Netball Schedule (BST):

Saturday 27 August

0400-0600: Live - Australia v South Africa (Sky Sports 3)

0600-0800: Live - England v New Zealand (Sky Sports 3)

Monday 29th August

1600: Repeat - Australia v South Africa (Sky Sports 4)

1930: Repeat - New Zealand v England (Sky Sports 3)

Wednesday 31 August

0800-1030: Live - South Africa v New Zealand (Sky Sports Mix)

1100-1300: Live - England v Australia (Sky Sports Mix)

1800: Repeat - England v Australia (Sky Sports Mix)

2300: Repeat - New Zealand v South Africa (Sky Sports Mix)

Sunday 4 September

0430-0630: Live - England v South Africa (Sky Sports Mix)

0630-0830: Live - New Zealand v Australia (Sky Sports Mix)

1800: Repeat - England v South Africa (Sky Sports Mix)

Sunday 4 September

1230: Repeat - New Zealand v Australia (Sky Sports Mix)
