Brexit can benefit young English players, says FA chairman Greg Dyke

By Mike Patterson

Image: FA chairman Greg Dyke hopes Brexit will provide chances for young players at big clubs

Football Association chairman Greg Dyke believes Britain leaving the EU could have positive benefits for football.

Currently players from countries within the EU can work in the UK without a work permit but that is set to change following the vote to leave, although it is likely to be several years before the effects are felt.

Dyke reckons this change will see more young English players being given a chance by Premier League clubs which is something he is keen to see.

Dyke told Sky Sports News HQ: "One of my concerns in my period as chairman has been the decline in the opportunities for kids at the bigger clubs to get through and into the first team - very few make it.

"If anything happens that gives them better chances, then I welcome it."

FA Chairman Greg Dyke says it is too early to know how Brexit will affect football but that it could mean more opportunity for younger British players.

Dyke admits he was surprised by the result of the referendum, but says it is too early to speculate on how it will affect football in England.

He added: "Well I don't think any of us expected it to happen did they? I was personally in favour of Remain as an individual, but I think most of us thought that we would stay in, but it has turned out we are not.

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"Therefore in terms of football that could make quite a big difference because things like the Bosman Ruling were all European rulings and they won't apply to us in future. Quite how different we won't know until we know the terms that we leave under.

"But clearly if the free movement of labour changes then English football clubs won't just be able to bring in any European footballer they want to. There will have to be a process.

"I think the clubs will clearly want to keep a totally free market [but] whether that is possible we won't know for probably two years."

The Premier League makes a statment in light of the EU Referendum result.

Meanwhile, England striker Harry Kane revealed some of Roy Hodgson's squad have been speaking about the referendum but he insists their focus remains on Euro 2016 as they prepare for Monday's clash with Iceland.

"Obviously we woke up today and saw the news and a few of the lads were talking about it," he said.

Image: England striker Harry Kane is fully focused on Monday's game against Iceland

"But I don't think the lads are too focused on it to be honest. The Euros is the main thing, trying to progress and do well in that. I don't think any of us know too much about it to comment on it. We'll just have to wait and see what happens.

"I don't know enough about it to be concerned about it and I don't think the other players do as well."

Sports stars on social media react to Brexit.

Former England striker Gary Lineker, 55, a father of four sons, was one of a number of sport stars who took to social media to discuss the referendum result.

He tweeted: "Feel ashamed of my generation. We've let down our children and their children. It's not a time for triumphalism. Not a time for division. Not a time for hatred. It's a time for change. A time for calm. A time in history."

World No 4 golfer Rory McIlroy used an analogy from his own sport to jokingly suggest a second chance at 2016 could be an option.

"With Brexit and the way the US presidential race is going.... Can we take a mulligan on 2016??," he tweeted.

Image: Rory McIlroy wants a '2016 mulligan'

Four-time Olympic sailing champion Sir Ben Ainslie likened the result to an incident out on the water.

"Well, that was one hell of a capsize! Time to right the boat, pull together and get going again Brexit," he tweeted.

Olympic long jump champion Greg Rutherford watched the result from the United States as he continues preparations for the upcoming Games in Rio, and tweeted: "I'm going to bed.. In a country that might put Trump in charge.. After watching Britain do the unbelievable. NAUGHTY WORLD! STOP IT! DOWN!"
