James DeGale says Chris Eubank Jr talks 'rubbish' and Chris Eubank Sr is 'obsessed' with him

By Tim Hobbs

James DeGale has hit back at Chris Eubank Jr's sparring claims, insisting it is "utter rubbish" and believes Eubank's father is "obsessed" with him.

Eubank Jr claimed IBF world super-middleweight world champion DeGale threw him out of the gym after being "schooled" and "embarrassed" when the pair shared a ring a few years ago.

DeGale read the Sky Sports interview on Thursday and is happy to confirm he threw his compatriot out of his old gym in Loughton, Essex, but offered his own version of events.

'Chunky' suggested the Eubanks were shown the door because Eubank Sr was disrespectful to his family and have created their version to use his name to boost their own profile.

Image: Chris Eubank Jr and his father have got it wrong, says James DeGale

"It was about three years ago and I can't remember, but I think he'd just turned professional," DeGale told Sky Sports in an exclusive interview.


"He bought his dad with him and I don't need to explain what he's like, everyone knows all about him. Anyway, we had a spar and I swear I am not lying to you, I was taking it easy. I bossed the spar and after six rounds, Eubank Jr was going to get out of the ring but his dad made him do the eight rounds.

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"I am actually confused and bamboozled where this guy has got this from. One thing I do know is his dad made him do the eight rounds and then as soon as we got out of the ring, his dad just went off on one, disrespecting me.

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"He was nasty about me and my dad was doing him a favour, he came to my gym, his dad was disrespectful so I ran them out of my gym. I basically told him: 'Don't come to my gym, so you can spar me and then let your father behave like that.'

"It was so long ago, but all this rubbish this week has brought it all back. The Eubanks are on a different planet and the dad? Well, he seems to have been obsessed with me, ever since I turned professional."

DeGale says around the same time he fell out with Eubank Sr at a London nightclub the day after he had won the European super-middleweight title, but the 29-year-old believes there is a personal issue with the former WBO world champion.

To call out James DeGale and then say he schooled me in sparring is one of the most stupid things I've heard
James DeGale

Eubank Sr and Jr have recently called out the Harlesden fighter, who is the first British boxer to win both an Olympic gold and a professional world title, and believes the problem lies with the father.

DeGale feels his own achievements have already surpassed anything the 49-year-old, known as 'Simply The Best', managed his his career.

"The more I think about it, he has a problem with me," said DeGale.

"Maybe he feels threatened. He knows I am good, he knows I am the world champion and he knows that I have become Olympic, British, European and world champion. That must hurt him. He has been on at me ever since I turned pro and it's like he's obsessed with me. He has issues with me. 

Image: James DeGale feels Chris Eubank Sr is 'obsessed' with him

"I have achieved so much more. I know he is a name but it kills him and to see me achieving more than his son as well, probably hurts as well. Don't get me wrong, Eubank Sr was a successful super-middleweight and people know who he is. Probably because he was the best domestic world champion we've had."

DeGale is confident his unification fight with current WBC world champion Badou Jack will take place in September and will be away in Las Vegas when Eubank Jr defends his British middleweight title against Tom Doran, live on Sky Sports Box Office, on June 25.

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George Groves is also on the bill but 'Chunky' suggests that Eubank Jr's sparring claim and Eubank Sr's attitude towards him puts their relationship alongside one of British boxing's most bitter rivalries.

"I've heard plenty of things said about me in boxing - and I am sure you know who and where they often come from - but this Eubank rubbish is probably in the top three," said DeGale.

Chris Eubank Sr says he was good enough to beat a fighter like Golovkin so his son should have no fear of Triple G

"But it's typical. They are calling out world champions... me, [Gennady] Golovkin, Billy Joe Saunders, but he is defending his British title against Tom Doran, who is unbeaten.

"Him and his father are on a different planet - it's all about publicity for his son. To call out James DeGale and then say he schooled me in sparring is one of the most stupid things I've heard," he said.
