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WWE Raw: Brock Lesnar attacks Kurt Angle and Paul Heyman

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Nobody was off limits as Brock Lesnar sent a message to Roman Reigns

Brock Lesnar attacked Kurt Angle and got physical with his advocate Paul Heyman on a dramatic return to Raw for the WWE Universal champion.

A browbeaten Heyman had initially informed Angle that, while Lesnar was in attendance in Miami, he would not make it out to the ring, leading the Raw general manager - to a chorus of "Yes" chants from the crowd - to brand him the worst Universal champion of all time.

Angle then attempted to fire Heyman on the spot, and as the advocate begged for his job, the unmistakable opening note of Lesnar's entrance music sounded to signal the arrival of The Beast.

WWE Late Night Raw

Lesnar only makes fleeting appearances on Raw but he made this one count, delivering a devastating F5 to Angle and grabbing Heyman by the face.

Those actions raise countless questions: Is Heyman actually fired? What remains for his relationship with Lesnar? And where was Lesnar's SummerSlam opponent Roman Reigns while all of this was happening?

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Seth Rollins was denied a win over Drew McIntyre due to Dolph Ziggler's interference

Dolph rescues McIntyre

Seth Rollins dug deep to get into a winning position against the again-impressive Drew McIntyre and seemed to have the match won when he hit his trademark Stomp on the giant Scotsman.

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But before he could get the cover, Dolph Ziggler stormed the ring to attack Rollins and hand him the victory by disqualification.

Rollins, however, did manage to regain his heat by fighting off Ziggler and nailing him with a trademark dive to the outside.

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Bobby Lashley seemingly has Elias in his sights as his next opponent

Elias attacks Bobby Lashley

It appeared for a brief moment or two that Bobby Lashley would join Elias for a duet after the two came together on Raw.

Elias was toasting the success of his debut album when the Dominator appeared on the scene with mayhem rather than music on his mind.

Lashley then found himself on the receiving end of a sneak attack from the Monday night minstrel but soon recovered to run off Elias in what looks to be the beginning of the latest program for both men.

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