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Russia plans to make doping a criminal offence by 2017

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The Russian government is trying to push through legislation that will make doping a criminal offence by 2017.

The proposed laws will look to root out and severely punish administrators, coaches and support staff engaged in doping activities after the All-Russian Athletics Federation was suspended from competing due to multiple violations.

An investigation into Russian practices by the World Anti-Doping Agency revealed doping at a systematic level and Natalia Zhelanova, of the Russian Sports Ministry, admitted her country has a massive issue.

"We understand that we have a huge problem," she said. 

"It's not only our problem - we know it's probably the same in other countries too - but we are only responsible for our country and our issues.

"So we are trying everything to fix our problems and clean [our] house. Of course, [the situation] is bad but every crisis can be a chance to make quick changes."

Doping is already a criminal offence in several European countries and British Prime Minister David Cameron has suggested the UK may follow suit.

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Russia's law would concentrate on the suppliers and distributors of the drugs, rather than the athletes themselves, with sanctions ranging from fines to prison sentences.

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