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Marussia to miss Barcelona

Image: Timo Glock testing in last year's car at Circuit de Catalunya in Barcelona

Marussia have pulled out of this week's final pre-season test after their new car, the MR01, failed the last of 18 FIA crash tests.

Team now looking to be ready in time for Australian Grand Prix

Marussia have pulled out of this week's final pre-season test in Barcelona after their new car, the MR01, failed the last of 18 FIA crash tests. The Banbury-based team were involved in the second test last week at the same circuit, albeit in last year's car as they evaluated the latest sets of Pirelli tyres. Marussia - who were known as Virgin Racing last season - had finally hoped to use the MR01 at Circuit de Catalunya from Thursday onwards. However, their plan has been scuppered by one of the FIA's new regulations - this season no team is allowed to take part in pre-season testing unless its car has passed all of the crash tests. Marussia must instead now try and complete the sole test it has failed to ensure they are ready for the opening race of the 2012 campaign in Australia. A team statement read: "Marussia is disappointed to confirm that the planned first test of its 2012 race car, the MR01, has been delayed as a consequence of not passing the final FIA crash test. "The team will now not take part in the final pre-season test in Barcelona later this week, and will instead focus its efforts on repeating the crash test at the end of the week."

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