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Michal Kwiatkowski wins E3 Harelbeke for Team Sky

Kwiatkowski out-foxed Sagan in the sprint and powered to the line for a famous win
Image: Michal Kwiatkowski out-foxed Peter Sagan in the sprint and powered to the line

Michal Kwiatkowski won the E3 Harelbeke one-day race in Belgium as Team Sky colleague Ian Stannard finished third.

Polish rider Kwiatkowski caught Peter Sagan (Tinkoff), his successor as world champion, napping to steal victory in the final 300m of the 206km race.

Britain's Stannard finished third, surging clear of the bunch late on. Sagan and Kwiatkowski had broken clear with 30km remaining.

The 2014 world champion's win in the race's 59th edition was Team Sky's second successive victory in the race after Geraint Thomas' triumph 12 months ago.

"I knew I had really good legs today and I had to go for the win, there was no other option," Kwiatkowski said.

Ian Stannard finished third, winning the sprint from the bunch behind, and he was quick to congratulate Kwiato afterwards
Image: Ian Stannard (left) finished third, winning the sprint from the bunch

"Me and Peter did a really good race. I knew I had to go with a long sprint because his kick is bigger than mine, and that worked out. I didn't look back and went full gas to the finish."

One-day classics specialist Fabian Cancellara, who had mechanical problems in the race, fought back into contention to end fourth.

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Riders observed a minute of silence at the start of the race in memory of victims of the Brussels airport and metro bombings.

Michal Kwiatkowski  (C) with Team Sky team-mate Ian Stannard (R) and Peter Sagan (L) on the podium
Image: Kwiatkowski (middle) takes the plaudits on the podium

Final standings:

1.  Michal Kwiatkowski (Pol/Team Sky) 4:55:18"

2.  Peter Sagan (Svk/Tinkoff) +3"     

3.  Ian Stannard (Gbr/Team Sky) +11"    

4.  Fabian Cancellara (Swi/Trek)           

5.  Jasper Stuyven (Bel/Trek)                  

6.  Lars Boom (Ned/Astana)                 

7.  Tiesj Benoot (Bel/Lotto)                   

8.  Sep Vanmarcke (Bel/LottoNL)                

9.  Jempy Druecker (Lux/BMC Racing)         

10. Daniel Oss (Ita/BMC Racing)

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