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Cricket on social media: Mark Wood's sexy kitten and Kane Williamson's agile dog

How have cricketers been keeping amused amid coronavirus?

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England bowler Mark Wood shows off his questionable dance moves as he puts on a dance lesson for people isolating due to the coronavirus.

Lockdown has arrived - and with cricketers climbing the walls, many have cranked up their social media output offering unique insights into their lives.

In this week's feature we take a look at the increasingly bizarre world of pent-up players and pundits and discover how they are entertaining themselves and each other.

Top billing would have belonged to Mark Wood's dance class but for one of the best canine catches you'll ever see! So scroll down if you're talented enough to take on Danni Wyatt in the toilet-roll challenge, want a crack at Jack Brooks' highly-addictive quiz or fancy seeing Beefy going on the offensive…

New Zealand have found their next slip fielder, haven't they, KANE WILLIAMSON?

Introducing your new dance coach, MARK WOOD!

It's often best to follow MARK BUTCHER'S advice and definitely so on this occasion...

JACK LEACH knows his place...

Also See:

Somerset's former Yorkshire and Northants seamer JACK BROOKS has come up with a highly addictive quiz to pass the time...

We had "mind the windows, Tino" and now it's a case of "mind the wall, RAVI"...

That's some stash, IAN BELL...

DAVID LLOYD has his say on a scampered single...

SIR IAN BOTHAM still knows how to hit the target!

When he's not recording Sky Cricket Podcasts, ROB KEY is busy smashing golf balls into a tent...

Leicestershire's HASSAN AZAD shows foxes and felines can mix...

But for his team-mate ALEX EVANS, it's all about lambs!

STUART BROAD chuckles away at some sporting challenges

But BROADY hasn't shirked the workouts either!

Some quality family time for England and Lancashire spinner ALEX HARTLEY...

As he England Women team-mate DANNI WYATT takes on the toilet-roll challenge...

There was a notable omission when NASSER HUSSAIN told us why David Gower was his cricketing hero...

Perhaps ED JOYCE has been focusing too much on one discipline when teaching his kids cricket!

And to think, BENEDICT BERMANGE was wondering whether you wanted a second Virtual Test...

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