WWE Raw: Kofi Kingston takes on Seth Rollins for both WWE singles titles

By Jefferson Lake, WWE Editor @jeffersonlake

The new Universal and WWE Champions collide with Sheamus & Cesaro after The Bar's attack during their Winner Take All Match

Universal champion Seth Rollins and WWE title-holder Kofi Kingston went head to head with both titles on the line on the Raw after WrestleMania.

Kingston agreed to put the belt he won from Daniel Bryan at Mania up against the Universal championship Rollins took from Brock Lesnar under 'winner takes all' rules.

But before the match could reach its conclusion, The Bar attacked Kingston, leading to a disqualification finish.

Rollins wasn't happy with that, and challenged Sheamus and Cesaro to an impromptu tag match.

WWE's newest champions prevailed when Rollins dropped the Swiss Cyborg with a Stomp and pinned him clean.

Image: Lars Sullivan made a big impact on his overdue Raw debut - wiping out Kurt Angle

The Undertaker savages Elias

Elias was keen to move on from being interrupted by John Cena at WrestleMania, and said the next man to halt his performance would be 'a dead man'.

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In perhaps the ultimate case of being careful what you wish for, that brought out WWE's Dead Man, The Undertaker himself.

A chokeslam and Tombstone later, and Elias was not even moving, never mind walking with anyone.

Sami Zayn returned to WWE Raw on Monday night but his entrance didn't quite go to plan.

Evans to be Lynch's next feud?

Becky Lynch was keen to toast her WrestleMania success, posing with both the Raw and SmackDown titles and soaking up the long chants of appreciation from the crowd.

Then came the twist: A Lacey Evans walkout which actually led to something, a Women's Right to the chin of the double champion.

A major scuffle ensued - with Evans' trademark hat and handbag sent flying amid the melee - as Lynch's first challenger made her presence felt.

Lacey Evans steps to the new bearer of the Raw and SmackDown Women's Championships

Lars Sullivan makes Raw debut

After weeks of videos previewing the imminent arrival of Lars Sullivan came to an end with no sign of the former NXT giant, he finally made a long overdue appearance on Raw.

Baron Corbin was present in Brooklyn to gloat over his win against Kurt Angle, a speech which brought out the departing legend to deliver one last Angle Slam and Ankle Lock.

Sullivan, it would seem, had seen enough, and hit the ring to lay out Angle with a sideways slam and a diving headbutt off the top rope.
