Daniel Bryan unveils new 'eco-friendly' WWE title belt

By Jefferson Lake, WWE Editor @jeffersonlake

Along with his 'intellectual peer' Erick Rowan, Daniel Bryan changed the climate of WWE by disposing of the WWE title belt for a more eco-friendly version

Daniel Bryan disposed of the leather WWE championship belt for one more befitting his own ideology on this week's SmackDown.

Bryan first brought out Erick Rowan, a man who helped him successfully defend his championship against AJ Styles at the Royal Rumble and a man who - at least according to Bryan - reads Chaucer at home every night.

He then went one step further, calling the WWE title belt trash before throwing it into the bin.

Bryan's keen concern was that it was "bound by the skin of an animal whose life had been taken from it", a balance he was keen to redress with his own, new title strap.

The "new symbol of excellence" is a belt made from "100 per cent sustainable organic hemp and carved from a naturally-fallen oak" and is strikingly different to just about every belt in wrestling history.

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Bryan will get the chance to wear his title into a major match next month, when the new-look prize will be on the line in a six-man Elimination Chamber at the event of the same name.
