Kurt Angle qualifies for World Cup at Crown Jewel in Saudi Arabia

By Jefferson Lake, WWE Editor @jeffersonlake

Kurt Angle used an interesting strategy to qualify for the World Cup in his first Raw match for more than 12 years

Kurt Angle qualified for the World Cup at the Crown Jewel event in Saudi Arabia by using some interesting tactics.

Angle made a surprise appearance during a qualifying battle royal on last night's Raw in what was his first match since the Greatest Royal Rumble in April.

It was also his first match on Raw since January 2006, when he lost to Shawn Michaels in Raleigh, North Carolina.

Baron Corbin, who has been the acting general manager of Raw in Angle's absence, booked an international battle royal featuring competitors such as the 'Swedish Chef' and a mysterious masked man in a full gold bodysuit known as the 'Conquistador'.

Said mysterious competitor spent most of the match outside the ring while Corbin gradually eliminated the United Nation of jobbers before making an explosive entrance with some familiar-looking moves.


After hitting Corbin with a trio of German suplexes, the Conquistador then gave him an Angle Slam before tossing him over the top rope to win the battle royal and qualify for the World Cup.

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As his music played, the luchador removed his mask to reveal it had been Angle all along, confirming his in-ring return in the meantime.
