WATCH: Brock Lesnar beats Kane in 35 seconds!

After no-showing Raw last week, Brock Lesnar made his return to a WWE ring in Chicago over the weekend, beating Kane in just 35 seconds

Brock Lesnar might not have turned up for Raw last week but he was back to work in devastating fashion this weekend.

The WWE Universal champion had been scheduled to go head to head with Roman Reigns, who will get a title shot at WrestleMania as his reward for winning the men's Elimination Chamber.

But he failed to arrive for the event, leading to a passionate promo from Reigns which suggested Lesnar had no respect for the business or its fans.

Possibly inspired by such words, Lesnar then made short work of his next piece of WWE work, destroying Kane in 35 seconds at a live event in Chicago.

The Big Red Machine had been part of a triple threat for Lesnar's title at the Royal Rumble, in a match which also featured Braun Strowman.


Lesnar came out on top on that occasion and was again in dominant mood in the Windy City at the weekend, in a performance which can comfortably be placed in the "sending a message" file.

Also See:

Click on the video above to check out Lesnar's rapid-fire victory!
