Emma Raducanu: The Queen, Prime Minister, Harry Kane, Lewis Hamilton and tennis legends hail British teen sensation

Emma Raducanu's stunning US Open victory has been hailed on social media by The Queen, Prime Minister Boris Johnson, England captain Harry Kane and seven-time Formula One world champion Lewis Hamilton, as well as a number of tennis legends

Newly-crowned US Open champion Emma Raducanu is brave, gritty and mentally gifted and has an amazing future, says Barry Cowan

Emma Raducanu has been hailed by The Queen, Prime Minister Boris Johnson, England captain Harry Kane and seven-time Formula One world champion Lewis Hamilton after her remarkable US Open victory.

Raducanu became the first qualifier to ever win a Grand Slam after a stunning 6-4 6-3 win over Leylah Fernandez to claim the US Open title on Saturday night,

Victory for the 18-year-old ensured she became Britain's first female Grand Slam winner in 44 years, following in the footsteps of Virginia Wade, who lifted the Wimbledon trophy in 1977.

British teenager Raducanu spoke about her stunning achievement after winning the US Open

The Queen led the tributes for the Kent teenager with a message of congratulations, hailing her "remarkable achievement".

"I send my congratulations to you on your success in winning the United States Open Tennis Championships," a message from The Queen to the teenager read.


"It is a remarkable achievement at such a young age, and is testament to your hard work and dedication.

"I have no doubt your outstanding performance, and that of your opponent, Leylah Fernandez, will inspire the next generation of tennis players. I send my warmest good wishes to you and your many supporters."

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Prime Minister Boris Johnson paid tribute to Toronto-born Raducanu. He wrote on Twitter: "What a sensational match! Huge congratulations to Emma Raducanu. You showed extraordinary skill, poise and guts and we are all hugely proud of you."

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge also hailed the achievements of the teenager, who moved to England with her Romanian father and Chinese mother at the age of two.

"Huge congratulations Emma Raducanu on your stunning performances and historic Grand Slam victory!" the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge wrote on Twitter.

"Incredible - we are all so proud of you. Leylah Fernandez well done on your amazing achievements at this year's US Open, it's been a pleasure to watch. C" they added, signing the tweet with an initial from the duchess.

England captain Harry Kane and seven-time Formula One world champion Lewis Hamilton both spoke of their admiration for Raducanu's achievement.

Kane tweeted: "Amazing achievement Emma Raducanu. Done yourself and the whole country proud. Congratulations!"

The Sky F1 team and the drivers show their appreciation for US Open champion Raducanu

And Hamilton took a break from preparations for the Italian Grand Prix in Monza to say: "It has been incredible to see her rise, the focus she has and the sheer determination.

"She is a sweet person, too, so the UK can be proud of her and I am super-proud of her and I can't wait to see what she does next. She is an inspiring figure."

"A star is born- Emma Raducanu makes history - never has a qualifier won a major- men or women- and she is just getting started. And will never have to qualify again.

"Leylah Fernandez will be back -both are champions but Emma has the trophy- well done!!!"

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Tennis great Martina Navratilova paid tribute to Raducanu and offered her commiserations to Fernandez on the loss.

"A star is born- Emma Raducanu makes history - never has a qualifier won a major- men or women- and she is just getting started," Navratilova tweeted.

"And will never have to qualify again:) Leylah Fernandez will be back -both are champions but Emma has the trophy- well done!!!"

Four-time US Open winner and global icon Billie Jean King said on Twitter: "What a terrific display of competition and maturity from two exceptional players. It is wonderful to see this generation living our dream.

"I can't remember a US Open with better crowd support. Thank you, NY, the greatest fans in the world. And congratulations, Emma!"

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