Cardiff vs Toulouse: Gruff Rees on surreal build-up to Toulouse clash and chance for youngsters to shine

Blues rugby director Dai Young one of 42 staff members in quarantine in London after return from South Africa meaning Saturday's team will include a handful of stars alongside academy and semi-professional players

Image: Wales star Josh Adams is one of few experienced players available for Cardiff this weekend against Toulouse

Cardiff Blues academy manager Gruff Rees hopes his young team's surreal build-up to facing European champions Toulouse might inspire his side to a surprise result.

Rees will be in charge when the Blues open their Heineken Champions Cup campaign, with rugby director Dai Young one of 42 members of the club's staff in quarantine after returning from South Africa.

Unlike the Scarlets, who have reluctantly forfeited their clash with Bristol, Cardiff will play on Saturday with a mixture of Wales internationals such as Josh Adams, Ellis Jenkins, Dillon Lewis and Seb Davies - all of whom missed the trip - Rees' academy stars and semi-professionals who have been drafted in.

Those remaining in quarantine near London will not be eligible to return to Wales until next week, and some could then be returning to London soon after as their second European tie of the season comes against Harlequins on December 18.

Cardiff academy manager Gruff Rees says young players can impress against 'the best in the business' when the club fields a team of academy players, reserves and Wales internationals to face Toulouse in the Champions Cup

Rees said: "It is a surreal situation all round, really.


"It has been really tricky, and obviously our thoughts are with the players and staff who have had to endure such difficult times, and (we are) trying to give them as much support as possible.

"We can't hide away from the fact that it could be a daunting task against the best in the business, but one that actually can bring the best out of everyone.

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"I am speaking to Dai daily at the moment, so we are getting the level of detail.

"But to be fair to Dai, he hasn't tried to micro-manage me or this whole process. Hopefully, we can have a great day for the club and lift the gloom during what has been a tricky period."
