Wales head coach Warren Gatland apologises for 'banter' comment

By Matthew Treadwell

Image: Wales head coach Warren Gatland has moved to clarify his comments

Warren Gatland has apologised for describing Joe Marler’s verbal clash with Samson Lee as "banter".

England's Marler called fellow prop Lee a "gypsy boy" as tempers became frayed during England's 25-21 victory over Wales on Saturday.

Marler, who apologised to Lee at half-time, is under investigation by Six Nations officials ahead of England's final game of the championship against France in Paris on Saturday.

Gatland attempted to defuse the situation by insisting there was no malice in the comments, but has since moved to clarify his position.

"I don't condone racism of any kind. I apologise for any offence my use of the word banter may have caused," Gatland said in a statement on the Welsh Rugby Union's (WRU) official website.

Image: Wales prop Samson Lee has backed Gatland

"My intention was to take the focus away from Samson, a private individual, and enable him and the rest of squad to prepare for the final game of the championship. My comments were made following a discussion with Samson about the incident.

"He believed Joe made his comment in the heat of the moment, he later regretted it and apologised, but Samson believes it wasn't racist in intent and he accepted Joe's apology.

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"While we await the findings of the Six Nations investigation into this incident it would be inappropriate for me, Samson or the team to comment further on this matter."

Image: England's Joe Marler in training

The WRU statement added: "The WRU does not condone racism of any kind. The incident is being investigated by Six Nations and we would welcome a definitive and speedy conclusion to their investigation," read a statement.

"The WRU recognises that Warren's overriding intention was to protect Samson by playing down the incident and that his comments were made following a thorough consultation with Samson and with his support."

My intention was to take the focus away from Samson and enable him and the rest of squad to prepare for the final game of the championship.
Warren Gatland

Meanwhile, Lee himself has insisted he spoke with Gatland before he made his initial statement.

"I would like to explain my point of view. I stand beside Warren. I personally believe the comments to have been intended as banter and accepted Joe's apology on Saturday," said Lee.

"Warren is fiercely protective of the team and his comments were made based on conversations with me and with the intention of deflecting attention away from me."