Greig Laidlaw questions Craig Joubert decision in Scotland defeat

Greig Laidlaw felt Australia shouldn't have been awarded a late penalty, which saw Scotland knocked out of the Rugby Word Cup

Greig Laidlaw questioned referee Craig Joubert over the disputed late penalty that broke Scotland's hearts at the World Cup.

The Scots were on course to stun Australia and the rugby world as they led 34-32 heading towards the final minute of a thrilling Twickenham semi-final.

But Joubert awarded the Aussies a penalty when he ruled that offisde Jon Welsh had deliberately handled a knock-on from team-mate Josh Strauss, and Bernard Foley held his nerve to put his side in the last four.

Replays suggested the final touch before Welsh's intervention might have come from Australia's Nick Phipps, not Strauss, and in the immediate aftermath of the final whistle Laidlaw asked why Joubert had not consulted the Television Match Official, saying: "They've got the TMO for everything else, it's such a big decision - why would you not get the TMO for that?"

World Rugby rules actually state that the TMO can only be used in certain circumstances, none of which involve decisions on offsides leading to penalties, but the Twickenham crowd made clear its disapproval at the final whistle as Joubert sprinted from the pitch.

Image: Bernard Foley kept his cool to slot the penalty that sent Australia through to the semi-finals

And at the post-match press conference Laidlaw claimed the South African official was "not sure himself" over the call.

He said: "I asked Joubert [about the penalty] on several occasions. I'm not sure what the protocols are.

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"I think you can see from the way he was taking his time....he was certainly having a look at the big screen and wasn't sure himself. And then he made a sharp exit at the end of the game, that's for sure. I never got a chance to speak to him after the game, he was off that quick.

Scotland were left heartbroken in the quarter-finals of the Rugby World Cup as Australia beat them 35-34 at Twickenham.

"It looked like to me that it hit Nick Phipps and it went back and then another player caught it. I've not had a chance to look at it on the TV, but at the time I thought there was an Aussie arm.

"But we're not the type of people to blame the little things, and if we'd tightened up on other areas we might not have been in that situation.

"At this moment in time it's very hard to take. It's a very upset dressing room as you can imagine."

Image: Greig Laidlaw questioned the decision of referee Craig Joubert to not use the television match official in the match-defining moment

Coach Vern Cotter added: "I didn't see the referee leave the pitch so I have no idea about that. We'll take time to review the end of the game properly. We need to take the emotion out of it.

"I feel for these guys. It was a tough day and you can question those fine margins. They stayed in the game and I'm proud of them as men and as rugby players. It's a tough one to take."
