Rugby World Cup: The Dos and Don'ts Guide for Japan

Customs to respect and ways not to behave in the World Cup host country

By Geraint Hughes

Geraint Hughes explains what the major dos and don’ts will be for fans making the trip to Japan for the Rugby World Cup

Japan will be in the sporting spotlight from Friday when the Rugby World Cup kicks off with a game between the hosts and Russia in Tokyo, which heralds the start of what should be an incredible 12 months for the nation.

Rugby union's prestige tournament is being held in Asia for the first time, with the eight previous editions having been shared between powerhouse southern hemisphere nations New Zealand, Australia and South Africa as well as countries across Europe.

It begins a busy 12 months for sport in Japan, with Tokyo also hosting the 2020 Olympic Games next July and August.

But before that sporting showpiece, thousands of rugby union fans from around the world will converge on Japan across a series of new and exciting venues.

Japan always offers a warm welcome to visitors, but it is never a bad idea to get to know some of the country's unique customs to show respect to the hosts and add to what will surely be an exciting sporting here is our Dos and Don'ts guide.

Image: Shake hands in Japan like Adam Ashley Cooper by all means - but only if the hand is offered. A bow is the more usual welcome

DO bow your head when meeting someone in Japan, it is their traditional form of a greeting. No need to feel awkward, just follow the lead of the person you are meeting if you are not sure how far or for how long you have to bow your head.

DON'T offer to shake hands unless a Japanese person offers their hand to you. The bowing of the head is the traditional Japanese greeting.

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Image: Do at least have a go at eating with chopsticks - your hosts will respect you for it!

DO try and use chopsticks when appropriate. Most Japanese will be thrilled to see a visitor try to get to grips with them.

DON'T stab your food though, this is rude as it is to play with your chopsticks.

DO take and offer business cards in Japan. It is a common everyday practice to hand over business cards in Japanese society and is a good way of not only understanding your name, but also who you are.

DON'T immediately place the business card in your back pocket. This is seen as incredibly rude. Either place the card down in front of you or place in your wallet, purse or handbag only after you have exchanged and looked at the card.

Image: Japanese children do the Haka - why not try out some of Japan's traditions while there for the World Cup

DO queue correctly and respectfully. Come on, we're British and should be very good at this! Seriously though, in public places the Japanese are very courteous and queuing at railway stations for example is an art form. They always know where the door to the train will be and form a queue in a straight line back from there. It's very organised and works very well!

DON'T tip in Japan is the normal way if you were thinking of handing over some extra cash in bars, restaurants or to taxi drivers. There are occasions where the service you receive is so spectacularly good it is appropriate and not offensive to tip, however it's quite common for a taxi driver or bar worker to walk or even run after you if they haven't returned the exact change.

Image: Ardie Savea making use of the Japanese train system, one of the world's best and most efficient

DO use public transport in Japan. It is well organised and always on time! In Tokyo for example most stations and trains have signage in English along with announcements in English.

DON'T speak on your mobile phone on Japanese public transport though. It's seen as a little rude. If you have a call, answer it, but hang up quickly! Texting, emailing etc, no one has a problem with that.

Image: Mobile phones are widely used in Japan, of course, but don't make a habit of it on public transport

DO remove your shoes when visiting some restaurants, the restaurant will provide footwear and store your shoes.

DON'T go to some public places like beaches or swimming pools openly displaying large tattoos. While the younger generation won't be offended as many young Japanese have tattoos, there is a historical link in Japan between tattoos and organised crime syndicates, most infamously the 'Yakuza'. Best advice if going to a restaurant, cover up any large tattoos as it shows respect.

Image: Tattoos should be covered up in certain places but that might be tough for England's Jack Nowell

DO take any earthquake or tsunami warnings seriously. No need to be alarmed if you see signs and information on what to do in case of an earthquake or tsunami, Japan is in a region of the world where earthquakes are a daily occurrence. Most quakes you will not notice, but they educate children in schools on what to do as well as all office workers in the big cities. Expect to see some information in your hotel or hostel. If you are concerned just speak to the hotel manager or tour guide.

DON'T be alarmed to see people wearing face masks. Back in the UK it can be slightly disconcerting to see someone wearing a mask in public, but in Japan more often than not it is the person wearing the face mask who is trying to be polite as there's a good chance they may have a cold or a snivel and want to protect you from catching it.

Image: Wearing face masks in public in Japan is often a way of stopping germs being spread - nothing to be worried about

DO carry cash in Japan. Surprisingly only 18 per cent of all transactions in Japan are with a credit or debit card. It's still regarded as a 'cash society'. In Tokyo this is less so as in some of Japan's larger cities, but best to check with a taxi driver first if they accept cards.

DON'T try to buy or drink alcohol if you are under the age of 20. However the Japanese are incredibly proud of their brewing traditions and good news for rugby fans is they take huge pride in the beer they produce. Be respectful where you are drinking though, in bars and in stadiums it is fine, but it is frowned upon to drink on public transport and in open public places.
