Petition to save gay Bristol Bisons player from deportation signed by 98,000

By Sky Sports News

Image: Ken Macharia plays for the Bristol Bisons in the southwest (Picture c/o: @bisonsrfc)

Nearly 100,000 people have signed a petition to stop a gay rugby player from being deported to Kenya.

Ken Macharia, who plays for inclusive and gay-friendly rugby team the Bristol Bisons in the southwest, was detained earlier this month.

He was released on bail on Wednesday, but the judge made it clear that this did not mean he could remain in the UK indefinitely, at a hearing attended by Macharia's team-mates.

Macharia is concerned that if he is sent back to Kenya, he will not be safe. Same-sex relationships can lead to a prison sentence of up to 14 years in the country.

The Bisons have set up a crowdfunding page to help pay for his legal fees, and 98,000 people have signed a petition calling for Macharia to stay in the UK.


Sky Sports is a member of TeamPride and supports Stonewall's Rainbow Laces campaign, which is currently receiving its annual activation across British sport until December 7.

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