WATCH: Wakefield chairman Michael Carter on selling up

Wakefield chairman Michael Carter agrees that if an offer of £2m came in for their Super League place it would have to be considered

Wakefield chairman Michael Carter agrees that if an offer of £2m came in for their Super League place, it would have to be considered.

Carter has a big decision to make as Wakefield plan to leave the club's historic, but rundown Belle Vue ground at the end of the season.

Wakefield are likely to move in with Dewsbury but are also considering a ground-share with Bradford after ruling out Featherstone.

Speaking ahead of Wakefield's game with Leigh - which Trinity went on to win 28-24 - Carter admitted that he would consider selling Wakefield's place in Super League for the right price.

"You have got to consider that - nothing in this world is unsaleable," said Carter on Sky Sports.


"If we get to a point where we have not got a ground, we have not got a base and we can't get our supporters base up then we would be foolish not to consider it.

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"But that is certainly not on the horizon in the next two, three week and I would suggest that it would not even be on the horizon in the next two years."
