Injury rules Leigh's Martin Ridyard out of Wigan friendly

By Martyn Ridyard

Image: Leigh's Martyn Ridyard wont be in action against Wigan

Only a couple more sleeps until our first game of the season - but sadly for me I won't be playing. It's really frustrating to watch from the sidelines, especially after having such a good pre-season so far. Well, until we went away for our warm weather training camp last week.

All was going well. We had lots of opportunities to try out some new structures and patterns, with the Lanzarote sun on our backs. Then I tweaked a hamstring. That's never happened to me before, and I w

as a little bit shocked - I never even knew I had one!

Seriously though, it meant that I had to take a step back and watch the lads in training, which leaves you with an odd sense of guilt. You know you should be out there with them, but when the coaching team say it's best to give it a rest you know you have to listen.

It's nothing too serious and and I'm pretty sure I'll be back well in time for our season-opener proper against Castleford on February 10. In the meantime for me, it's about rehab sessions in the pool and some upper body work in the gym.


It was a really good camp out in the Canaries, and very different from the last time we went away to Portugal as a team at the end of last season. That was a treat for having succeeded in our year-long goal, to make promotion to Super League, and was all about having a good time and letting off a bit of steam. This time we were focusing on the skills that come into play in the summer months of Summer League, with a dry ball and warm hands!

This weekend though, the lads are preparing to face Wigan in a pre-season friendly on Sunday. I am gutted I won't be out there but it'll be a great chance for the boys to put some of the things we have worked on into practice. We do a lot of 13 on 13 in training but it's never quite the same as a game 'in anger'. It is good to kick a bit of that ring rust off you against different players. We only have two friendlies this year. It'll be a tough year for us so that means we stay a bit fresher for the season itself.

Also See:

Image: Ridyard paid tribute to Michael McIlorum ahead of his testimonial

It's a big game for Wigan's Michael McIlorum, as it is his testimonial game. He's been a big force in rugby league for a long time and deserves to have this year marking his contribution to the sport and to Wigan. He's a real tough opponent on the pitch and it must have been a terribly frustrating 2016 for him as he was out for most of the year with an horrific ankle injury.

He's one of the sport's great competitors so I hope he gets his wish to make an appearance in the game. Just a pity I won't be out there to enjoy it too.
