Coronavirus: St Helens fan Johnny Vegas and rugby league stars lend a helping hand

Pubs being used as food distribution centres for NHS staff and the elderly in St Helens area; video message from Hollywood star Russell Crowe helps to spread word

By Fraser Dainton

Image: St Helens fan and Steve Prescott Foundation ambassador Johnny Vegas has been helping out during the coronavirus outbreak

Comedian Johnny Vegas, Blackbrook Amateur Rugby League Club and the Steve Prescott Foundation have joined forces to provide a vital service to the people of St Helens during the coronavirus outbreak.

What is more, they have had a ringing endorsement from Gladiator actor Russell Crowe.

The initiative began when SPF general manager Martin Blondel saw a post on Twitter of a nurse in tears, having discovered the supermarket shelves were empty at the end of her long shift. He decided something had to be done.

"I contacted our great friend, local businessman Andy Mikhail, and suggested that we use his two pubs as distribution centres to help people who couldn't get to the shops," Blondel said.

"He agreed and within eight hours, we were ready to go. Local suppliers bring the food to us, we take in the orders from the public, and then deliver within hours to NHS staff, key workers, the old and vulnerable, and pretty much anyone who needs our help."


Former Super League stars Tommy Martyn and Lee Briers have been joining around 30 members from Blackbrook to deliver out over 100 orders a day, as well as picking up prescriptions and medication. They have now been joined on the road by St Helens-born comedian Vegas.

"I wanted to help out," Vegas said. "It was an opportunity to practically do something rather than just be an ambassador for SPF.

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It's been great seeing the reaction from people, especially for the elderly, self isolating, but it's phenomenal for the NHS staff - it's a nightmare trying to get in to a supermarket now.
Johnny Vegas

"It's been great seeing the reaction from people, especially for the elderly, self-isolating, but it's phenomenal for the NHS staff - it's a nightmare trying to get into a supermarket now."

And in an effort to increase awareness, Vegas got in touch with Oscar-winning actor and fellow rugby league fan Crowe, who recorded a video message. The tweet has now had over 1.3m views.

"That was a blinder - it was just a DM on the off chance we might get a re-tweet, and he came through in spade-fulls!" Vegas said.

"It was literally just an idea to get the word out there, and you couldn't ask for a bigger name. It's taken us global!"

Image: Former St Helens and Warrington player Lee Briers is among those who have been pitching in

But Vegas refutes Crowe's cheeky allegation that anyone who orders biscuits might have a few missing.

He laughed, saying: "Don't worry, there will be payback! We're still in gratitude mode, but revenge will be mine! I can promise you I haven't touched a single biscuit!"

Vegas says the reaction has been overwhelming and heartwarming, and he's also been doing his bit to raise a few smiles.

"I think it's just their relief that people know there's someone out there," Vegas said. "There's a slight disappointment when they realise it's not a better comedian, but you get what you're given!"
