Andy Last uses break to settle into Hull FC interim head coach role

By Marc Bazeley

Image: Andy Last is settling into his new job as Hull FC's interim head coach

Andy Last believes the enforced Super League season suspension has proven beneficial for him in some ways as he gets to grips with his new role as Hull FC interim head coach.

Last, who has been on the club's coaching staff in various capacities for the past 15 years, was handed the top job on a temporary basis following Lee Radford's departure in the wake of the 38-4 defeat at home to Warrington Wolves on March 12.

That came four days before the 2020 season was paused to the coronavirus pandemic and, speaking to the Golden Point podcast, the 39-year-old revealed how he is using the time without matches to settle in.

"In a strange sort of way, this lockdown has made it a lot easier for me," Last told Sky Sports.

"I haven't been thrust into the spotlight in terms of games week in, week out, the pressure which comes with preparing a team to play.


"It's allowed me a little bit of time to get my head around what has happened and a little bit of time to reflect and implement what I want to do when we get back."

Last and Hull chairman Adam Pearson have not entered discussions over whether the interim position will become a permanent one.

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Instead, the former Black and Whites hooker is concentrating solely on ensuring the team are well-placed for when the Super League season is eventually allowed to resume.

Watch as Hull FC chairman Adam Pearson broke the news that Radford will be leaving the club

"We've not really spoken about it," Last said. "The initial conversation was that he'd agreed to part ways with Lee, and mutually they'd agreed to have a parting of the ways.

"He asked me if I was happy to lead for the short to medium-term and I think after the Warrington game we were due to play against Huddersfield on the Thursday, so I said I was happy to do that with a view to seeing how things go.

"Unfortunately, everything with COVID-19 and self-isolation crept in, so it's probably given Adam a little more time to review and see how he wants to push things forward.

"But he's given me the direction to navigate these rough waters, and just hope that the club and the game come out of this period, and we bounce back as a united game, can get some games hosted and fulfil our fixtures."

Image: Lee Radford has a long-standing association with Andy Last

Last remains in touch with former head coach Radford, who he first got to know when they were both part of Hull's youth set-up.

It was Radford whose recommendation in part led to Shaun Wane appointing Last as one of his assistants on the England coaching staff and the pair have been speaking regularly.

"I've spoken to Lee on a couple of occasions," Last said. "I try to speak to him once a week and we've exchanged a couple of messages.

"Me and Lee's relationship goes back a long, long way. I signed for Hull FC as a 16-year-old and Lee was a part of the academy.

"He's used his time to refresh and recharge his batteries, he's got business interests away from the game which he's been able to get himself stuck into."
