NFL Draft 2020 set to help coronavirus charities

The 2020 NFL Draft will double as a three-day charity event to benefit non-profit organisations providing relief efforts over coronavirus.

The event, which will be entirely virtual with teams making selections from remote locations and players at their homes due to the pandemic, is scheduled for April 23-25 and is being deemed a "Draft-A-Thon".

Current and former NFL players are expected to encourage donations from viewers, and there will be tributes for healthcare workers and other first responders.

The funds raised, which will all go into one central fund, will benefit the American Red Cross, CDC Foundation's All of Us, Feeding America's COVID-19 Response Fund, Meals on Wheels COVID-19 Response Fund, Salvation Army and United Way's COVID-19 Community Response and Recovery Fund.

"As we face this global health crisis together, we are filled with gratitude for the extraordinary work of first responders, healthcare workers and many others who are helping those in need," commissioner Roger Goodell said in a statement.


"The Draft-A-Thon will deliver much-needed funding to many who are suffering as well as those on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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"Conducting this event virtually, and taking all necessary precautions while doing so, underscores the importance of staying home and staying strong during this unprecedented moment in our history."
