Roger Goodell: LA Rams vs New Orleans Saints replay 'not a consideration'

Image: Goodell addresses the media in his pre-Super Bowl news conference

NFL commissioner Roger Goodell has said overturning the result of the NFC Championship game between the LA Rams and the New Orleans Saints was 'not a consideration'.

The Saints lost 26-23 in overtime after a pass interference penalty was not called against Rams cornerback Nickell Robey-Coleman that would have let New Orleans run down the clock and almost certainly win with a short field goal.

Goodell addressed the issue during his pre-Super Bowl news conference where he admitted that, although the officials got the call wrong, it is not in the commissioner's power to change the result of games on the strength of complaints from teams.

"Absolutely not, I think it's clear," Goodell said. "That was not a consideration."

Image: Goodell said he has spoken to Saints' head coach Sean Payton

"We understand the frustration of the fans. I've talked to (Saints) Coach (Sean) Payton, the team, the players. We understand the frustration that they feel right now, and we certainly want to address that."


Asked why it took him 10 days to address the controversy publicly, Goodell referred to the league's process in such situations, saying: "Whenever officiating is a part of any conversation post-game, it's never a good outcome for us.

"But we also know our officials are human, and we know they're officiating a game that moves quickly and they make snap decisions. And they're not going to get it right every time."

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Goodell said the league has worked hard for years to bring in technology to help issues with officiating and stressed that path needs to continue.

Image: Robey-Coleman contacted Lewis well before the ball arrived, but no flag was thrown

"We will look again at instant replay," he added. "There have been a variety of proposals over the last, frankly 15-20 years, of should replay be expanded. It does not cover judgement calls, this was a judgement call.

"The other complication is that it was a no-call and our coaches and clubs have been very resistant and there has not been support to date about having a replay official or somebody in New York throw a flag when there is no flag.

"They have not voted for that in the past. It doesn't mean that we won't, it's something that we are going to put to the competition committee and see if there is an answer to that.

"But the reality is it's been at least an opposition philosophically for many clubs."

Elsewhere key rulings are expected soon in a lawsuit against the NFL filed by two New Orleans Saints season ticket holders upset with the outcome of the game.

The lawsuit was filed in state court but the NFL had it moved to federal court.

The ticket-holders want the federal judge to send the case back to state court. NFL lawyers want her to keep jurisdiction and dismiss the suit.
