NFL clarify position after President Trump applauds commissioner Roger Goodell

Image: NFL commissioner Roger Goodell released a memo on Wednesday stating his belief that players should stand for the National Anthem

The NFL has moved to clarify its position on player protests after President Donald Trump applauded commissioner Roger Goodell for "demanding all players stand for our great National Anthem".

Trump took to social media to praise Goodell after the NFL released a memo written by the commissioner, which was sent to all team owners, calling for players to "honour our flag and our country".

In a statement on Wednesday, the NFL clarified that the President's comments were "not accurate", confirming that work is to be done alongside players next week in New York to seek a resolution to recent protests.

"Commentary this morning about the Commissioner's position on the Anthem is not accurate," the NFL's official statement read.

Image: NFL players have been protesting during the National Anthem in protest against racial inequality

"As we said yesterday, there will be a discussion of these issues at the owners meeting next week. The NFL is doing the hard work of trying to move from protest to progress, working to bring people together.


"Commissioner Goodell spent yesterday with Miami Dolphins players, law enforcement and community leaders witnessing first-hand the outstanding work our players and clubs are doing to strengthen their communities.

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"Players from around the league will be in New York next week to meet with owners to continue our work together."
