WATCH: US President Donald Trump versus the NFL timeline

A look at the issue that is dominating both the front and back pages across the world; President Trump's criticism of NFL players protesting during the national anthem

Donald Trump has again created headlines this week, choosing to attack arguably the most powerful body outside of the office of the President of the United States - the NFL.

Last week, the President said NFL owners should fire players who did not stand for the anthem and backed up his comments with a series of tweets as the protests became front-page news in the States.

Protests support growing, shows poll

A new poll suggests support for those NFL players protesting during the national anthem is growing, despite Donald Trump's criticism.

The response by NFL players over the weekend was one of defiance, with almost 200 players kneeling in protest against during the national anthem on Sunday.

A number of NFL franchises also released statements of support for their players, while superstars in the basketball arena, Stephen Curry and LeBron James, also weighed in on the controversy.

Click on the video above to watch the timeline of events, stretching back to Colin Kaepernick's initial protest last year, where the currently unemployed quarterback wished to highlight perceived racial injustice and police brutality in the country.

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