Myke Tavarres backing Colin Kaepernick's national anthem protest

By Andy Charles

Image: Colin Kaepernick's stance on the US anthem has been backed by Myke Tavarres

Philadelphia Eagles rookie Myke Tavarres says he will join Colin Kaepernick in refusing to stand for the US national anthem.

The linebacker plans to sit when The Star Spangled Banner is played before the Eagles take on the New York Jets in Philadelphia in their final pre-season game on Thursday night.

San Francisco 49ers quarterback Kaepernick opened up the controversy when he remained seated for the anthem in protest at the treatment of black people in the United States, and he said his boycott would continue despite the encouragement of his team and the NFL to stand alongside his team-mates.

"We've got an issue in this country in this day and age, and I feel like somebody needs to step up and we all need to step up," Tavarres said.

"We've got that right. There's just a lot going on that people don't want to talk about, and I feel like us as athletes, we're looked at as role models. 


"And I feel like with Colin Kaepernick, he's doing a great job for standing up in what he believes in, and most people may not like that, but that's his opinion, he's entitled to it, and I respect him for doing it."

San Francisco 49ers Colin Kaepernick explains why he didn't stand up for the US national anthem

Tavarres is fighting for a place on the Eagles' 53-man roster but feels he has nothing to lose by following Kaepernick's example.

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"Really what's at stake is my pride and what kind of man would I be and what kind of African-American would I be if I didn't stand my ground on this issue we have today?" he added.

"Will there be backlash? Probably. I don't think anyone has bought my jersey yet, so I don't know if it's going to be burned, but it's a major issue and I'm definitely going to stand my ground for this one."
