Why should you apply to be a new Sky Academy Sports Scholar?

By Mark Ashenden

Image: Quillan Isidore and Lucy Garner have been supported by Sky since London 2012

Time is running out if you want to be considered to be a new Sky Academy Sports Scholar.

You have until midnight on Sunday March 26 to get your application in for the Sports Scholarship programme with 10 places up for grabs.

You need to be aged 16-25, be excellent in your sport, have a strong personality profile to represent Sky, be a role model and be desperate to improve.

Click here for all the details on how to apply

Our current Scholars reveal why it's such a brilliant thing to do......


SAVANNAH MARSHALL (Middleweight boxer)
Being a Scholar has enabled me to tour the world and introduced me to people like Johnny Nelson and Adam Smith who have helped me massively. That's the best thing Sky has opened me up to.

It's such an amazing experience. Life is about experiences and making memories and how many people can say they are a Sky Scholar? It's just amazing. Any new Scholar should embrace it and just enjoy it.

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Being on the team with such amazing and talented athletes and mentors has been incredible. It's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

It's a great investment in not only your athlete career, but in life too with valuable life skills. New Scholars should just apply themselves to be the best they can and utilise the depth of support that is there for you.

Image: Jack Bateson is a 22-year-old boxing star from Leeds

LUCY GARNER (Road cyclist)
The Scholarship scheme has meant I could fully concentrate on my cycling without worrying about working alongside training and racing. I could live in Holland and race all over the world.

It's given me the opportunity to go on warm weather training camps that's helped me make the next step in becoming a stronger and better athlete.

Other athletes might not be in the same sport but it's been really refreshing to hear how other Scholars have dealt with situations on and off the bike. I have also made some great friends.

All new Scholars should be a sponge! You get so many opportunities to meet new people, try new experiences and build your following. Take them all.

JACK BATESON (Bantamweight boxer)
For the last four years I have been able to fully dedicate my life to boxing and get myself in the best possible fighting condition. I have used Sky's financial support to go on training camps, use the best possible equipment, help with my nutrition and much more.

It has changed my life and given me the opportunity to be the best I can be. Give yourself the chance and apply!

HOLLY BRADSHAW (Polevaulter)
I've had a really tough time with injury over the last four years and being a Scholar has enabled me to invest in some world-class recovery equipment.

You get so many different opportunities. You meet new people that you can learn from, along with having opportunities to increase confidence, increase skills for you as an athlete but also as a person as well. It's way more then just financial support.

My advice for new Scholars is make sure you seize every opportunity.

Image: Olivia Breen is a double Paralympic sprinter and long jumper

MARK ENGLISH (800m runner)
Being a Scholar has allowed me to train in the most suitable environments. It has also given me access to resources that are unique and helpful. For example, my mentor Darren Campbell is an Olympic Gold medallist and it's always a massive help having him in my corner.

It's also such a great opportunity to learn about yourself. Being part of a family of very talented Scholars also helps you remind you of the commitments it takes to make it to the top.

I would tell any new Scholar to see every opportunity as a learning one.

I've done so many amazing things on the scheme. I was lucky enough to meet one of my biggest sporting heroes - Thierry Henry, which was a dream come true.

With the support of Sky I also fulfilled my ambition of winning an Olympic medal and have made some brilliant friends.

If someone asked me why they should be a Sky Scholar I would say it's just a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. It will change your life in lots of different, brilliant ways and allow you to take your sporting career to the next level.

I will always be so grateful for my time on the Scholarship and for all the support I received from Sky on my journey. There is so much support, advice, wisdom and brilliance to offer.

Image: The Scholarship scheme has helped Jessica Judd get over her shyness

JESSICA JUDD (1500m runner)
Being a Scholar has really boosted my confidence and belief by helping me talk to lots of important people. I've enjoyed learning lots from all the people at Sky and taking crucial pieces of information and implementing them into my training plans.

New Scholars should grab the opportunity with both hands and never be too shy to talk to someone or ask for an opinion!

I was really reluctant to talk to people to start with but there really is no need. Everyone is very friendly and has your best interest at heart.

SAM OLDHAM (Gymnast)
One of the most amazing things I've been able to do as a Scholar is improve my public speaking skills. I had one-on-one coaching lessons, behind the scenes Sky experience days and mentoring from Geoff Shreeves.

I had the opportunity to tell my story at the Edinburgh and London annual Sky finance conferences in 2016.

You get the chance to be part of a team of athletes all striving for success. You'll be powered by a company that is entwined with British sport and have access to incredible mentors who want to share their knowledge and expertise.

There's nowhere else you can receive such career-changing support. You will have a platform to not only launch your sporting career but also to prepare for life after sport. Enjoy the ride. It's going to be awesome!

Image: Elise Christie has overcome her fears since being a Sky Scholar

ELISE CHRISTIE (Speedskater)
Being a Scholar has changed my sporting career because after the Olympics I had no confidence. I was scared of everyone.

Sky were like a huge family to me and helped support me through this. As a Scholar you will learn so much about yourself and you'll also have an amazing time.

OLIVIA BREEN (Paralympic sprinter/long jumper)
The most amazing thing has been going on warm weather training trips. They really benefit me because of my cerebral palsy - the symptoms are worse in the cold and my muscles become stiff.

Anyone should apply to be a Sky Scholar because of the confidence it gives you. The life of an athlete can be hard when things don't go to plan. I always told myself that if a company like Sky believed in me then I should believe in myself and this really helped.

All the opportunities which Sky have offered have been positive and they make everything so much fun. I feel like I have developed so much as a person with Sky.

Click here for all the details on applying
