Henrik von Eckermann and Tovek's Mary Lou win Dutch Masters

Image: Henrik von Eckermann and Tovek's Mary Lou claimed the Dutch Masters

Sweden's Henrik von Eckermann and Tovek's Mary Lou continued their strong run of form by winning Sunday's Dutch Masters at the Rolex Grand Slam of Showjumping.

The pair claimed a brilliant success in Amsterdam earlier this year to win the World Cup and they followed up by taking the title in Den Bosch after another thrilling jump-off.

Five partnerships registered a clear first round but in the jump-off Daniel Deusser, on board Tobago Z and Niels Bruynseels with Gancia de Muze incurred penalties leaving just three going clear.

Steve Guerdat and Bianca set the early benchmark before von Eckermann and Toveks Mary Lou's time of 40.45secs took top spot that proved too much for the last two partnerships.

Alex Hammond looks back at the Dutch Masters

Peder Fredricson with H&M Christian K completed the stage but despite a clear round it was only good enough for third place as Von Eckermann claimed the win and remained in contention for the Grand Slam bonus.


"She [Tovek's Mary Lou] has so much nerve, but she still manages to stay cool somehow. I can feel it when we enter the ring, it's like she knows what it's all about and she gives you that little extra," said the Swede.

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"It is definitely special to win one of the majors, I have tried for a long time and came close a few times but never won - it is one of those wins you would really like to get as a rider."
