Jess Varnish stands by claims of sexism at British Cycling

By Chris MacRae

Image: Jess Varnish is not backing down over claims of sexism at British Cycling

Jess Varnish has released a statement standing by her claims that British Cycling chief Shane Sutton told her to "go and have a baby".

The 25-year-old, who has received the backing of some of her peers in the ongoing row, insists she wants "to change the culture at British Cycling and their treatment of women".

Talks over Varnish claims

British Cycling will contact Jess Varnish to discuss claims of sexism she made in the wake of being

Varnish, who will miss Rio 2016 after British Cycling did not renew her contract, has had her claims of discrimination backed by Olympic champions Victoria Pendleton and Nicole Cooke, both of whom said they have experienced similar treatment. In contrast, Olympic gold medal winner Joanna Rowsell Shand has defended British Cycling in the wake of the allegations

Varnish's statement, released on Tuesday, read: "The comment that Shane Sutton told me 'to go and have a baby' is true. I stand by all my statements.

"I have been contacted by other riders both present and past, to say that they have experienced similar behaviour at British Cycling. I am aware that some people at British Cycling are afraid to come forward due to the culture of fear that exists, as they don't want to lose their jobs. 

Image: Victoria Pendleton, has sprung to the defence of Varnish over her claims

"I hope that by shining a light on this culture, and by sharing my experiences, the relevant people can investigate and make changes.

"I also want to compete for Great Britain again. I am not too old. I am not a waste of UK Sport's money. I can win more medals.

Also See:

"For now I remain open to sharing my experiences with both British Cycling and/or UK Sport, and will happily engage with any investigations into the comments that Shane Sutton has made to me, and other riders."

Jane Dougall has the latest on the row between Jess Varnish and British Cycling

Sky Sports News HQ have contacted both British Cycling and UK Sport regarding the matter.

British Cycling have said they they hope to hold a meeting with Varnish where two independent people will be present - an equalities leader and a board member.

UK Sport have said they consider the allegation to be serious and have urged British Cycling to investigate 'any allegation of sexism'. They stressed that they are not taking sides in the matter. 

Image: UK Sport's Liz Nicholl has called for 'transparency' from British Cycling

Liz Nicholl, Chief Executive of UK Sport, said: "We take any allegations of sexism among World Class Programme staff or athletes extremely seriously.  UK Sport expects all athletes and support personnel to adhere to the highest levels of professionalism and conduct and have a zero tolerance approach to sexist behaviour or language. 

"We have been in formal contact with British Cycling  to ensure these allegations are fully investigated. As a recipient of World Class Programme funding from UK Sport, British Cycling has a responsibility to assure us that such matters are dealt with  appropriately, swiftly, fairly and transparently."
