Scholar and athlete Jessica Judd recharges on holiday and enjoys being coached by dad again

By Mark Ashenden

Image: A week overseas and under sea has been a huge boost for Jessica Judd

After a very challenging few months, there will be worse therapies than swimming with dolphins and training with your family.

A leg injury and a wobbly Olympic qualifying campaign ended Jessica Judd's hopes of running in Rio, but the Sky Academy Sports Scholar has not been moping around.

The 21-year-old 1500m runner got back on the track, won a couple of end-of-season races, employed her dad as coach again and is now feeling charged up after a break in the sun.......

I have just returned from a week in Mauritius. It was amazing and it was so nice not to have a training plan for a week!


I finished my season in the first week of September and flew out two days later so I managed to get 10 peaceful days away before coming home.

Image: Jessica spent a week away from the track chilling with her mates

The first couple of days we just sat on the beach and relaxed after a 11-hour flight. It was amazing watching the sunset and just being thankful that although my track season hadn't gone how I wanted, I was fit and healthy and ready for the next step.

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We explored the Scenic South and saw everything from the volcano crater to 100 metre-high waterfalls. It was amazing and had never seen anything like it. It has made us even more determined to explore more countries and see what they have to offer.

We also explored a Hindu temple and managed to get a Hindu blessing. It was fantastic to mix with different religions and cultures on holiday. You learn so much about other people.

We also saw dolphins in a place called Tamarin Bay and were able to swim with them. I've always wanted to swim with a wild dolphin and to finally do it was fantastic. The whole experience was magical.

Image: Time to reflect and consider how to develop her athletics career

On the dolphin expedition, we met another two couples. One couple were from England on their honeymoon and the other were from South Africa who were really into athletics which I found so odd! Such a small world!

It was nice to talk to them about how my season had gone and how I wasn't in the same shape as I was in 2013-2014.

They really cheered me up and said if I kept working hard then one day it'll come and that they would be at my next international race to cheer me on. It definitely motivated me to get back to that level. Whether I can or not we will have to wait and see but I am excited to work hard and try my best.

My big end of season races weren't what I had hoped to finish the season on. I totally messed up my 800m by going off too fast and just hitting severe lactic acid with 200m to go. I was so disappointed with myself for not listening to my dad and running it in a sensible way.

The 800m has been really difficult for me to get right this year but I'm hoping that after a solid winter and more speed work I can address this.

Image: Happy families: Jessica (centre) with sister Jodie and boyfriend Rob

I'm really excited that training has started again. I really enjoy training with my sister and boyfriend - they make great training partners and I enjoy my dad coaching me too.

He will say exactly what he thinks and is completely honest which at the time may not be what I want to hear but it's what I need to improve.

I've only had a few days of full training but my muscles are already aching. It is a big shock going from the lovely hot weather in Mauritius to training in the rain in Loughborough and Essex.

However, there is something satisfying about training hard and wanting to be back at my best. I am excited to see what this winter will bring and excited to carry on training with my boyfriend and family.


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