WADA dismayed by claims of doping violations in Russia

By PA Sport

Image: President of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), Sir Craig Reedie, is dismayed by new claims of Russian doping

The World Anti-Doping Agency has said it is "dismayed" by the latest allegations made by the German broadcaster ARD of continuing violations of doping rules in Russia.

A documentary broadcast on Sunday night alleged an official from the discredited Russian Anti-Doping Agency gave athletes advance warning of testing plans, and that a banned coach continued to operate.

WADA president Sir Craig Reedie vowed WADA would look into the latest revelations, which appear to deal a serious blow to Russia's hopes of having their suspension lifted in time to send an athletics team to the Rio Olympics.


Reedie said: "At a time when trust in sport is wafer thin, these troubling assertions will do little to reinforce confidence in the Russian anti-doping system when clean athletes need it most.

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"The allegations suggest that there is still much, much work to be done in Russia; and, that we will need the full and unwavering cooperation of the Russian authorities to reverse the damage.

"Until this happens, clean athletes won't be able to trust that there is a level playing field."

Reedie added that the allegations were already being examined by the IAAF Taskforce and that they would look at them "without delay and draw the appropriate conclusions".

ARD's original expose of Russian drug testing procedures led indirectly to the nation's suspension from athletics in November.