Russian marathon winner Viktor Ugarov faces probe after Japan win

Image: IAAF may take action against Russian runner Viktor Ugarov

Russian marathon runner Viktor Ugarov could face punishment from the IAAF after winning a race in Japan on Sunday.

Ugarov's victory in the Kanazawa marathon came two days after Russia were handed a provisional suspension from the sport's world governing body following the World Anti-Doping Agency's revelations of systematic doping.

The IAAF said on Tuesday the event organiser had disqualified Ugarov, who will receive no appearance or prize money. It also stated it was asking the All-Russia Athletic Federation (ARAF) to take action against him.


An IAAF statement said: "We contacted the Japanese Athletics Federation yesterday and have received a response stating that the athlete in question competed in error as they listed a regional affiliation of ARAF rather than ARAF.

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"The event organiser is disqualifying his record and no appearance or prize money will be paid. The IAAF is writing to ARAF to convene disciplinary proceedings against the athlete."

Meanwhile, Namibia's former Olympic sprinter Frankie Fredericks will be part of the IAAF inspection team to check on the reforms Russia need to implement to have their ban lifted.

The team is being led by Norway's anti-doping specialist Rune Andersen and four IAAF council members have also been appointed.

Andersen and Fredericks, chairman of the IAAF athletes' commission, will be joined by Abby Hoffman, the Canadian who has been the co-ordinator of the IAAF anti-doping task force since 2004, Italy's Anna Riccardi and Geoff Gardner from Norfolk Island.