Watch as inspirational six-year-old takes on PGA Tour pros with one arm

By Keith Jackson

PGA Tour professionals take part in a nearest-the-pin contest against six-year-old Tommy Morrissey

Tommy Morrissey continued to win the admiration of PGA Tour professionals as he took them on in a one-armed pitching challenge ahead of the Honda Classic.

Morrissey, who is just six years of age, has been an inspirational figure at various PGA Tour events in recent months as he demonstrates his golfing prowess despite the use of only his left arm.

Image: One-armed golfer Tommy Morrissey took on PGA Tour pros at the Honda Classic

The charismatic youngster paid a visit to PGA National in Florida to challenge the likes of Harris English and Jeff Overton in a pitching contest from around 55 yards.

And, not content with finding the green with relative ease, Morrissey further impressed as he rolled in a number of putts to prove he is all-round ability.

Image: Morrissey also impressed with his putting

Renowned coach Sean Foley was one of the inspired onlookers at the event organised by Tommy's father, Joe, which benefitted their UnLIMBited Foundation.

Also See:

Watch the video above to see six-year-old sensation Tommy Morrissey taking on PGA Tour professionals in Florida.
