Mark Pieth backs Jerome Champagne for FIFA presidency

By Nick Lustig

Image: Jerome Champagne is a contender to replace Sepp Blatter as FIFA president

Mark Pieth believes Jerome Champagne is the only "credible" candidate to replace Sepp Blatter as FIFA president

Five candidates, including Champagne, are vying to become the ninth president in FIFA's 112-year history at Friday's election in Zurich. 

The English Football Association have already thrown their support behind Gianni Infantino, with chairman Greg Dyke declaring they will vote for the UEFA general secretary. 

Jerome Champagne profile

Kaveh Solhekol profiles the FIFA presidential candidate

Sheikh Salman, Prince Ali of Jordan and Tokyo Sexwale are also battling to secure FIFA's top seat, but Pieth is backing Champagne and believes the Frenchman would have stood an even greater chance of being elected if he had stated his intention to take the role on a temporary basis. 

"I would probably vote for Champagne, but I am outsider and not a footballer in that sense. He is really the odd one out," Pieth, who helped launch the FIFA ethics committee in 2011, told Sky Sports News HQ


"I think he is the most credible of them all. I think he made a mistake, if you ask me, not to put himself up as a transitory candidate. 

A profile of Champange, who's one of five candidates in FIFA's presidential election which takes place on Friday

"If he had said 'OK, I promise I'll leave after two or four years and already hand in my resignation for then because I am going to clear up and leave' that would have given him a totally different profile."

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When asked about Pieth's view, Champagne told Sky Sports News HQ: "I agree with him. I am not beholden to any interest group, I am not beholden to any continent, I am a citizen of the world and I am convinced we need a strong FIFA to protect football. 

"I am a clean guy, the media have investigated me in my first campaign in 2014 and again this time they've not suspected or alleged anything about me. So I think Mr Pieth is absolutely right, I am the right man for that job." 
