Michel Platini fails to attend FIFA ethics committee hearing

By Rory O'Callaghan

Image: Michel Platini faces the prospect of a lifetime ban from football if found guilty

Suspended FIFA vice president Michel Platini failed to attend his hearing before FIFA's ethics committee in Zurich on Friday.

The current UEFA president declined the opportunity to present evidence before the committee which is investigating allegations of bribery and corruption in world football's governing body.

Lawyers represented the Ballon d'Or winner before the FIFA investigatory chamber in his absence.

"Mr Platini is innocent. That is what we have evidenced to the commission today through witness testimony and a number of other evidences," said Platini's lawyer, Thibaud d'Ales, following the hearing.

"Now we are hoping that the ethics commission will render the law."


The hearing follows an undeclared payment of £1.35m in 2011 for work carried out by Platini on Blatter's behalf nine years earlier. Platini claims it was part of an oral contract for work completed as an advisor between 1998 and 2002.

Both he and FIFA president Sepp Blatter have been provisionally suspended for 90 days and face the prospect of lifetime bans from football.

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Platini refused to attend Friday's hearing, stating that he believed a verdict had already been decided.

Image: Suspended FIFA president Sepp Blatter (left) gave evidence at his own hearing on Friday

However, Blatter did choose to attend his own separate hearing and represented himself alongside one of his lawyers, Lorenz Erni.

"President Blatter looks forward to a decision in his favor, because the evidence requires it," read a statement released by another lawyer working for Blatter, US based Richard Cullen.

"President Blatter behaved properly and certainly did not violate FIFA's Code of Ethics. This investigation should be closed and the suspension lifted."

A verdict is expected to be reached on both cases on Monday. 
