Frank Lampard backs Patrick Vieira to take New York City to next level

Patrick Vieira and Frank Lampard on life at New York City

Frank Lampard has backed Patrick Vieira to take New York City to 'the next level' as he prepares for his first full season in MLS.

Lampard delayed joining New York last season to continue on loan at Manchester City, where Vieira was coaching the elite development squad. 

The pair have now been reunited in America, and Lampard is convinced that Vieira - who was presented to the US media on Wednesday - will be a success in his first senior coaching role. 

Image: Frank Lampard on the bench for Manchester City in September 2014

He told Sky Sports News HQ: "I think he's going to be great for us. Obviously I played against Patrick and he was one of the greatest players of the modern era, without a doubt. 

"I've seen him doing his schooling and coaching at Manchester City over the last few years. Fair play to him - people who have been great players don't always want to do the dirty stuff and I think he has worked with the kids on a cold Manchester morning over the back of the training ground, so I think he's earned his stripes there.

Image: Patrick Vieira in his coaching role with the Manchester City U21 side

"For us, I think he's going to up our level. I hope he will and I think the players are going to respect him. When he speaks, they will listen."

Also See:

Watch the extended Frank Lampard interview on Sky Sports News HQ from midday on Thursday
