Two Russian footballers under criminal investigation for instigating brawl in Moscow cafe

By Sky Sports News

Image: Aleksandr Kokorin and Pavel Mamaev are under criminal investigation in Russia

Russian footballers Aleksandr Kokorin and Pavel Mamayev are under investigation for attacking a trade ministry official in a cafe in Moscow.

The Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs launched an investigation into two incidents, an attack on the official, Denis Pak, in a cafe and a separate attack on another man in a car park.

In a video released on social media, Zenit St Petersburg's Kokorin can be seen striking Mr Pak with a chair, and Krasnodar's Mamaev throwing punches, leaving the official needing medical attention.

The Russian Premier League said in a statement: "This incident casts a shadow over FC Zenit and FC Krasnodar, but over the whole of Russian football.

"We believe that those guilty should incur the most severe punishment There is no place for hooligans in football!"

Mamaev's club, Krasnodar, currently lying second in the Russian Premier League, were particularly scathing in their response.

Image: Kokorin helped Zenit knock Celtic out of the Europa League in February 2018

The club statement read: "What we have seen in the video is outrageous. And there can be no excuses for this.

"The first thing we want to do is to impose all possible sanctions mentioned in the contract. We will give the player the maximum fine and remove him from first team training sessions.

"Now we are looking at how to terminate the contract with the player.

"Unfortunately, contracts are drawn up in such a way that they protect professional athletes as much as possible, but we are doing all we can to get it done."

Zenit St Petersburg condemned the players' actions, describing their behaviour as 'shocking', and said they were awaiting a legal assessment and considering what punishment to take.

Both players have represented their country, with 63 Russia caps between them, but Mamaev last played at international during Euro 2016.

Kokorin was named in Russia's preliminary squad for this summer's World Cup, but was forced to withdraw due to injury.