Your new England manager: Results of Sky Sports survey revealed

Image: Wenger, Southgate, Klinsmann... have they made the grade with the Sky Sports readers?

More than 125,000 Sky Sports readers have taken part in our survey on the new England manager - and we can now reveal what the public wants from Roy Hodgson's successor.

The three-man Football Association panel selected to appoint the new man will meet today to begin the recruitment process.

But before FA chief executive Martin Glenn, FA technical director Dan Ashworth and FA vice-chairman David Gill start their discussions they might want to look at our survey results to see exactly what the public wants...

Question 1: Do you think England should appoint an interim manager?

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Our readers were quite firm about this, with a huge 87 per cent of the voters on this question saying they do not want an interim manager taking charge of England - leaving 13 per cent who would welcome a short-term appointment. 


This echoes the thoughts of Sky Sports pundit Matt Le Tissier, who said it would be a "big risk" to offer the job on a caretaker basis, amid reports that the FA was willing to appoint somebody like Gareth Southgate for a short period while waiting for a full-time appointment.


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Question 2: Would you prefer the next England manager be English?

A slightly closer result for the second question, although 61 per cent of the voters said it wasn't important to them if the next England manager was an Englishman. That opens the door for contenders from overseas such as Jurgen Klinsmann and Arsene Wenger.

However, that leaves 39 per cent saying their preference would be for the next boss to be an Englishman.


Image: Roy Hodgson resigned after England's last 16 defeat by Iceland, with Martin Gill (R) part of the three-man panel to decide who will replace him

Question 3: Would you object to the next England manager being foreign?

Despite the above question suggesting that 39 per cent have a preference for an Englishman, only 15 per cent of our readers said they would object to the incoming boss coming from abroad.

That means a huge 85 per cent of voters have no problem with a foreign appointment. 


Question 4: Should Roy Hodgson's successor have international experience as a player?

With names like Gareth Southgate and Alan Shearer thrown into the mix, we asked our readers if the new manager should have playing experience on the international stage.

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It was a close contest, but 52 per cent of voters decided that it wasn't an important factor, while 48 per cent would like the next England boss to have previously played on the world stage. 


Question 5: Should Roy Hodgson's successor have international experience at any level as a manager?

This was another result with a near even split, but the 'yes' camp came out on top as 52 per cent of readers want the incoming man to have experience as a manager at international level. That's good news for the likes of Slaven Bilic, Luiz Felipe Scolari and Glenn Hoddle.

This leaves 48 per cent who don't think having a national team on the CV is important.


Former FA Chief Executive Brian Barwick believes the organisation should take their time over appointing a new England manager

Question 6: Should the next England boss have domestic success as a manager (i.e. a league title or a cup final victory) on his CV?

For England fans, domestic trophies matter.

Our results show 63 per cent of voters want the incoming boss to have some silverware under his belt, while 37 per cent don't think it is an important factor for the panel to consider. That result is not good news for contenders such as Sam Allardyce, Eddie Howe or Alan Pardew who have not won major honours.


So who did the public vote to be the next England manager?

Finally, we listed 12 of the top contenders and asked our Sky Sports users to vote up or vote down.

Image: Southgate has come last in a poll by Sky Sports readers naming their preferences for England manager

If it was down to the Sky Sports readers, Harry Redknapp would be the new manager with 45,794 up-votes, which outweighed the 30,159 down-votes.

The only other name to have his positive votes out-weigh the negative was current USA coach Jurgen Klinsmann, with 42,441 up-voting compared to 29,789 down-votes.

Glenn Hoddle, Alan Shearer and West Ham manager Slaven Bilic make up the rest of the top five, but down at the bottom, Gareth Southgate trails the pack in 12th place.

He received 7,621 up-votes but a whopping 54,066 down-votes from our readers, suggesting the public do not want him in charge.

Votes for the next England manager by Sky Sports readers

Name Up-votes Down-votes
1. Harry Redknapp 45,794 30,159
2. Jurgen Klinsmann 42,441 29,789
3. Glenn Hoddle 35,237 36,934
4. Alan Shearer 31,663 38,117
5. Slaven Billic 28,795 37,224
6. Sam Allardyce 25,413 40,589
7. Eddie Howe 24,701 40,442
8. Arsene Wenger 22,367 43,393
9. Laurent Blanc 15,919 43,215
10. Alan Pardew 16,300 45,987
11. Luiz Felipe Scolari 6,802 50,587
12. Gareth Southgate 7,621 54,066

Will the FA panel take the advice of Sky Sports readers or chose to go in a different direction? We will have all the latest updates across the Sky Sports platforms as they happen.
