Trouble in Marseille ahead of England's Euro 2016 clash with Russia

Disturbing scenes in Marseille involving England fans on the eve of England's first game against Russia at Euro 2016

England fans clashed with riot police in Marseille as trouble continued to plague the build-up to the Euro 2016 game against Russia.

A number of incidents were reported in the Old Port area of the Mediterranean city, with police using tear gas to disperse supporters at times.

Officers in full riot gear were seen marching towards hundreds of England fans, as thousands continued to arrive ahead of Saturday evening's match.

The trouble followed clashes in Marseille on Thursday night, with one England fan reportedly suffering a head injury when hit with a wooden chair.

England fans and riot police have a stand off on the streets of Marseille

Friday's afternoon flashpoint also saw bottles thrown at police, with a number of arrests being made.


Later in the evening, a group of fans shouting "Have it" occupied a roadside brasserie called the Red Eagle which appeared to be well alight, perhaps caused by a flare.

Arrests have been made in Marseille

Footage showed some supporters lobbing bottles and chairs from the venue - some simply striking the canopy above them - while a fire raged in the building. Police could be seen gathered a short distance away.

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Elsewhere, fights broke out between English-, French- and Russian-speaking men, and one man was thrown into the harbour after he was beaten to the ground by local fans.

Police with helmets, batons and shields grappled troublemakers to the ground amid beer bottles and rubbish strewn across the cobbled streets.

While the disturbances were often violent, they were also often short-lived.

And although bottles being lobbed in various directions sent crowds of supporters fleeing, the French gendarmerie were quick to separate rival groups of fans and clear the danger areas.

Mark Roberts, head of soccer policing in Britain, said England fans had been in the city "without issue" on Thursday until locals arrived.

"At around midnight, there was a short confrontation where a group of approximately 70 local youths approached a pub where England fans had congregated," Roberts said.

"This was quickly dealt with by French police and one English supporter was arrested. We are aware of no further incidents overnight."
