Any charges in the FIFA case will take 'years' to come to court

Image: Authorities are probing FIFA's World Cup bidding process

A spokesman for the Swiss authorities says the ongoing investigation into football corruption will take at least five years.

The Office of the Attorney General (OAG) is investigating the bidding process which ended in the 2018 and 2022 World Cups being awarded to Russia and Qatar respectively.

However, the tournaments will almost certainly go ahead as planned if the investigation takes as long as expected.

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The Swiss are also investigating suspended FIFA president Sepp Blatter for authorising a £1.3 million payment to suspended UEFA boss Michel Platini and for signing an undervalued TV rights deal with disgraced former FIFA vice-president Jack Warner.

An OAG spokesman said: "These are very large and complex investigations.

"It will take at least five years to come to court, if it even comes to that."
