Rangers 'apologise to anyone personally affected by abuse within Scottish Football' as club responds to review

Rangers issue statement responding to report recently published by SFA following review of sexual abuse in Scottish football: "We express our sincere sympathy to all individuals who have suffered abuse within the Scottish game and commend the bravery of all survivors who have come forward"

Image: Rangers have responded to the report recently published by the SFA following the independent review of sexual abuse in Scottish football

Rangers say they "apologise to anyone personally affected by abuse within Scottish Football" in a statement responding to the recent report following the review of sexual abuse.

The independent review featured victim testimonies that named Rangers, Hibernian, Partick Thistle, Motherwell, and Celtic Boys Club in accounts of abuse that dated back to the 1970s.

SFA chief executive Ian Maxwell said in February he was "deeply upset" by a report based on "deeply personal, traumatic experiences".

In the report, its author Martin Henry, a children's charity official, called for clubs to make a "clear" and "unreserved" public apology to victims and Rangers have now given their official response.

"We are in receipt of the report published by the SFA following the review of sexual abuse in Scottish Football and have taken some time to consider its lengthy findings and recommendations," Rangers said in a statement.

"We are firmly committed to ensuring openness and transparency in relation to this issue and agree on the uninterrupted ethical obligation of clubs over time, irrespective of changes.

"We express our sincere sympathy to all individuals who have suffered abuse within the Scottish game and commend the bravery of all survivors who have come forward.

"With regard to the specific instances referred to, as the report states, these concerned one former employee. We note the report accepts that when former senior managers were provided with a direct allegation this was taken seriously and dealt with promptly.

Image: SFA chief executive Ian Maxwell said last month he was "deeply upset" by the report

"The report commends the action taken and acknowledges Rangers have previously said publicly the matter was reported to the police at the time.

"Today, Rangers is at the forefront of child safety and well-being in football. We believe it is a moral obligation to ensure that Scottish Football is beyond reproach and all safeguarding measures are strictly adhered to.

"We agree that it is time for all of Scottish Football to learn from and take responsibility for mistakes made in the past.

"We fully acknowledge the impact of these events and the enduring effect on individual lives.

"We apologise to anyone personally affected by abuse within Scottish Football."