Scunthorpe chairman Peter Swann responds to Gary Neville

Scunthorpe United chairman Peter Swann responds to comments made by Gary Neville

Scunthorpe United chairman Peter Swann responds to comments made by Gary Neville.

Speaking to Sky Sports on Friday, Swann said: "Scunthorpe are paying full wages to all their staff, we've furloughed some of the staff and will probably furlough some of the players, but we will pay that 100 per cent.

"And we will probably be one of the few that can probably get through to June. But there's no point getting through to June if we're going to be behind closed doors, and there's no season to start.

"We're saying we will still honour those contracts but for a later date. So when we've honoured those contracts they can pay the PFA back, the money that they've borrowed or the money the PFA give them.

"Nobody loses, actually, in this. We're not asking to take wage cuts of 50 per cent, we're not asking to lose all your money, and we're certainly not kicking players out. That was the crux of the letter I sent out.

"I was really disappointed to be attacked personally, and the club to be attacked, when really, when you look at the statement, it was just asking for a bit of help and guidance.

"I appreciate Gary is a TV presenter. To use that platform I think was out of order. And probably now, even if he actually reads the statement, he probably feels, I hope he feels, that maybe he was a bit forward and harsh in what he said.

"Because I know he is a very good orator, he is a very, very good footballer, and he is someone our sport needs as we go forward, but sometimes you may have to just think before you talk."

See Scunthorpe chairman Peter Swann's comments in the video above