Mark Noble, James Tomkins and Darren Randolph surprise West Ham amateur team

An amateur team made up of West Ham fans got a big surprise when three Hammers turned up to watch them recently

What happens if you put an amateur football team on a six-week training programme with a Premier League club?

The Academy of Football is going to find out, using West Ham IFC, an amateur team made up of Hammers fans, as guinea pigs.

The team found out when Hammers trio Mark Noble, James Tomkins and Darren Randolph turned up a recent match to offer their 'support' from the sidelines.

Noble, Tomkins and Randolph then greeted the team in the dressing room along with former West Ham youth coach Tony Carr, who will be running the sessions.

Also See:

Watch the video at the top of the page to see some of the match action and the team's post-match reaction.
