WATCH: Who is Manchester City's most skilful player?

Who's the most skilful Man City player? Video courtesy of Soufiane Touzani.

Who is the most skilful player at Manchester City? Well, what better way to find out then ask some of their players!

Dutch football freestyler Soufiane Touzani asks some of the Manchester City players who they think is the most skilful player in their squad.

Look out for appearances from Bacary Sagna, David Silva, Jesus Navas, Fernandinho and Sergio Aguero as they are asked the $64k question.

Touzani shows off his full array of ball juggling abilities, but how about some tricks by Sagna? They're mightily impressive, and perhaps suggest why so many of his team-mates feel he is the king of football freestyle.

Also See:

Watch the video above - courtesy of Touzani - to get a taster and see the full version HERE.

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